
This website connects or integrates several platforms to make a bridge between sciences and technologies.


Grafana is an observability platform allowing user to monitor time series and analytics through dashboards.

The dashboard above monitor Brussels Air Quality Open Data and is available publicly.


JupyterHub is a scientific computing platform allowing user to develop code in Python (and other language) through online interactive notebooks. This platform is very convenient for data manipulation, data insights and reporting.

JupyterHub equipped with classical scientific packages turns out to be a free open source solid competitor to commercial product like Matlab.


ChirpStack is a LoRaWAN network manager allowing to create private IoT networks on premise.


NodeRed is a less-code flow programming platform. It allows users to create, integrate and publish flows in several fields including WebAPI, Industrial Standards (ModBUS) or IoT (LoRaWAN).


WordPress is a very classic and popular CMS for decades. It allows user to feed and manage contents of a website like this one.