
I am an Industrial Engineer with an analytical mindset and a strong background in metrology and IT. I like to monitor process to capture knowledge and extract value from it. Want to know more about me professionally, contact me on LinkedIn.

Jean Landercy

Data Scientist & Full Stack Developer

Data Scientist:

  • Creation of scientific spatial database of pollutants (pesticides, metals, dioxines, etc.) and vegetals (biodiversity)
  • Integration of laboratories data exchanges (orders/protocols)
  • Automation of aggregations, analytics and scientific reporting
  • Specific spatial queries (GIS)

Full Stack Developer:

  • Creation and integration of webservices (website, REST+API)
  • Stack: Postgres + PostGIS + Python + Django + JavaScript
  • Azure: VMs, FileStorage, OAuth, Registry Manager, Backups

Project Engineer

Project Engineer of the SmartCampus initiative at the Brussels University.

Notable achievements during this mission are:

  • Creation of a PaaS providing baseline tools to the SmartCampus and the Community;
  • Deployment of a private LoRaWAN network and sensors on three major campuses;
  • Creation of complete monitoring & alarms solutions for services (IT and Energy Departments, CIREM);
  • Providing consultancy and support for data processing and data management to services and projects;
  • Facilitator for IT driven research projects (SmartWater, VitalSigns).

Air Quality Engineer

Seven years of experience in Air Quality at the Brussels Environment Air Quality Laboratory.

I was in charge for analysers maintenance and deployment, process quality control, air quality monitoring and data analytics. I supervised and improved the complete acquisition chain from the air sampling to the final data delivery. This mission was very rich as it involved many engineering fields in addition of chemistry, mainly: electronics, pneumatic, IT & telecommunication.

Notable achievements during this mission are:

  • Deployment on the field and servicing new aerosol technologies such as TEOM/FDMS or Fidas;
  • Migration of a legacy ISDN telecommunication network to a modern 3G ready Machine 2 Machine network;
  • Reverse engineering and implementation of analysers protocols;
  • Creation of a technical and administrative database implementing FMECA and 6M analysis for failure and maintenance management;
  • Creation of scientific and geomatic Air Quality Database and a related Python API;
  • Creation of an Air Quality post processing server including a scientific computing platform and a REST WebAPI.

Analytical Chemistry

I have a MSc degree in Analytical Chemistry. I graduated in 2011 at the Meurice Institute. I chose this pathway because I have affinities with instruments and techniques, in addition for Chemistry.

Notable achievements during my last year internship are:

  • Encapsulation of a laccase protein into synthetic polymer beads and assessment of immobilizated enzyme kinetics;
  • Development and qualification of analytical protocols for Triclosan trace analysis with HPLC and diffusion coefficient determination of Triclosan in beads;
  • Creation of a prototype for a fluid bed reactor to reduce water solubilized micro pollutants with enzyme activated beads;
  • Development of a monitoring system to follow up reactor metrics. Assessment of degradation kinetics and Retention Time Distribution in fluidized bed reactor.